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Water Levels Are Down, Let's Keep Our Awareness Up

Lake water levels around Leelanau County are down due to lack of rain and evaporation.

While we do not officially measure lake levels here at Lime Lake, our friends at Glen Lake have reported that the last time their level was this low was in 2016, and the last time it was this low at this time of year was in 2011.

Until our area receives sufficient rainfall, water levels on Lime Lake will also remain low.

In the past, well-meaning folks have tried to take matters into their own hands. As a friendly reminder, attempting to make changes at the outlet of Lime Lake will not alter the situation; only rain will sufficiently raise our levels.

Furthermore, according to GLISA, a Great Lakes collaboration between U of M and MSU, low water levels in the Fall are natural due to evaporation which peaks this time of year when lake temperatures are still warm from the summer and air temperatures are cooler, creating a temperature gradient ideal for evaporation.

Low water levels in the fall help protect against ice damage along our shores in the Spring!

This holiday weekend and into fall, we encourage all boaters to be especially cautious in shallow areas, for both the safety of other boaters and swimmers, and to protect our lake bottom. A minimally disturbed lake bottom equals a healthy lake.

Water levels are down, so let's keep our awareness up!

Thank you.


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Sep 03, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Thanks for the great info!

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The Lime Lake Association

P.O. Box 50

Maple City, MI 49664

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