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All Eyes are on Purple Loosestrife

Purple Loosestrife (PL) is a terrestrial invasive species to Northern Michigan that has had substantial impact on several Leelanau County lakes. We have not yet found it on Lime Lake, but if we do, we need to take quick action to remove it. For this reason, we're asking all homeowners to keep an eye out for this rapid spreader.

This is the time to monitor for PL as it is typically in full bloom July through October. PL has showy magenta flowers, can grow up to 10 feet in height, and prefers to grow in wetland regions like lakeshores, river and stream banks, wet meadows, marshes and roadside ditches. It has a large impact on the ecosystem because it can quickly dry out those regions, eliminating habitat for many other necessary wetland species. Each plant can spread up to 2.5 million seeds per year!

If you think you might have PL on your property, or if you have spotted it somewhere along the lake or nearby, please snap a photo and send it to our Lake Biologist, Kelsey Froelich, so she can confirm and make a plan of action.

Text your pics to Kelsey at 616-293-7525 or email them to

Thank you for your help!

Photo Credits:
John D. Byrd, Mississippi State University
Barry A. Rice, The Nature Conservancy, Davis, CA



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The Lime Lake Association

P.O. Box 50

Maple City, MI 49664

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The Lime Lake Association is a non-profit tax-exempt charitable organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code. © 2023 Lime Lake Association. All rights reserved.

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